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Extract and Publish Data Into PI System

Batch and process manufacturers can finally accelerate analytics projects and get more value from their extensive process historian investments with HighByte Intelligence Hub.

HighByte Intelligence Hub PI System Connector

PI System Connector

The PI System Connector for HighByte Intelligence Hub enables users to easily access PI System information, contextualize and merge with data from other systems, and publish information to leading cloud and analytics platforms.

Use the connector to connect, read, and write to PI System. The connector supports reading raw points, aggregates, event frames, and assets and can ingest modified or late arriving data. For large payloads, enable compression between PI Agent and the Intelligence Hub to improve read performance. The connector also supports writing HighByte Intelligence Hub instances to PI points or writing instances as elements and templates directly to PI Asset Framework (AF). 

Intelligence Hub supports PI System input and output types, including asset, asset metadata, event frame, point, and point changes, as well as all PI System output update options, including insert, insert compressed, no replace, remove, replace, and replace only.

Use Cases

Query and mix aggregated data from PI System (e.g., min, max, average) with data from Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) or Quality Management Systems (QMS) for streaming analytics. Or query years of historical data, model it, and send the data to an advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning (ML) platform to train AI models.

Integrate third-party sensor data from the Cloud back into the factory and write the modelled data directly into PI System running in the Cloud or on-premises.


Seamlessly move data between the Cloud and PI System using the supported inputs and outputs below:





Asset Changes
Asset Metadata
Event Frame
Point Browse
Point Change

The HighByte Intelligence Hub PI System Connector requires a PI System Access (PSA) license from AVEVA and a Professional or Enterprise license from HighByte. The connection is performed through the PI System AF SDK Connector in HighByte Intelligence Hub.


“By extracting historical data from PI System and combining it with other operational systems data, we can accelerate analytics and turn data into actionable information. The PI connector in the latest release of HighByte Intelligence Hub is a powerful tool for equipment diagnostics, predictive maintenance, safety, and production improvement use cases in our process plants.”
Ismail Hussein, Enterprise Architect at Samuel & Son

Video Tutorials


See how to connect HighByte Intelligence Hub to PI System and validate the connection through a simple point read.


Learn how to use HighByte Intelligence Hub to browse PI assets and auto-generate the query to read asset elements. Preview event frames and dive deeper into reading one or more points within the PI System. When reading points, you have full control over specifying the time domain and data of interest. Browse and query PI Points directly from the PI Archive by their metadata.


Watch how to use HighByte Intelligence Hub to write to PI System points and asset elements. Map an instance to one or more points in PI System as a delimited list of values. Then map that same model to PI Asset Framework where the model becomes a PI template and the instance becomes a PI asset.


See how to use HighByte Intelligence Hub to query large sets of PI historical data, run the data through a model, and output the results to a CSV file for ML projects.

Ready to try HighByte Intelligence Hub?

Join the free trial program to get hands-on access to all the features and functionality within HighByte Intelligence Hub and start testing the software in your unique environment.