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Release Notes HighByte Intelligence Hub Version 1.1
New Features:
  • Improved user interface / experience configuring the Intelligence Hub:
    • Shallow cloning of connections, models,  instances and flows
    • List pagination for large datasets (a connection's input and output lists
    • Search filtering
  • Flows now support 4 triggers: Always (1.0.0 behavior), OnChange, OnTrue and WhileTrue.
  • Flows now support 2 publish modes: All (1.0.0 behavior) and OnlyChanges.
  • Added description field for connections, models, instances and flows.
  • Added support for nested models / instances.
  • Added OPC UA support for data values of type DateTime. An appropriate error message is now logged when encountering an OPC UA data value type that is not currently supported.
  • Improved user interface error handling / messaging in the event a connection to the runtime service fails.
  • Fixed task scheduling performance issues related to reading inputs, constructing a model, running expressions and publishing the results as compared to the configured interval.
  • Fixed issue where a modeled instance's published value did not maintain the attribute order set by the user (attributes were incorrectly sorted alphabetically).
  • Fixed OPC UA connection validation issue when an endpoint uri contained uppercase characters in its hostname.
  • Fixed user interface performance / scalability issues around large datasets (OPC UA browse results and a connection's input and output lists).
  • Updated Paho Client MQTT library to 1.2.4. This update resolved an issue related to re-establishing a connection with a broker when one or more persistence (QoS) files were left over from a previous run.