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Release Notes HighByte Intelligence Hub Version 2.5
New Features: 
  • Added support for configuring the application settings through the UI.
  • Added support for Flow monitoring statistics and metrics.
  • Added support to the Azure IoT Hub Connector for writing to Azure IoT Central.
  • Added support for importing Azure DTDL models.
  • Added a new Azure IoT Edge Connector.
  • Added support for authenticating users via Active Directory.
  • Added the ability to load third party JavaScript and node packages to be used in expressions.
  • Added a new Alarm Condition for generating alarms when data is bad quality or stale.
  • Added the ability to filter out attributes sent to any Output.
  • Added the ability to access metadata like Quality and Timestamp in expressions.
  • Added support for System Variables that can be supplied via a configuration file.
  • Added the ability to view and manage cached data for all Connections and Conditions.
  • Updated all Conditions to enable referencing Instances in addition to Inputs.
  • Added the ability to write to the event log as a Flow target.
  • Updated the Sparkplug Connector to support aliasing for inputs.
  • Added support to the REST Connector for outputting multipart/form-data.
  • Updated the File Connector to support SMB access to shared network directories.
  • Added an option to the PI System Connector to include metadata for PI Asset inputs.
  • Added an option to the PI System Connector to enable data compression on writes.
  • Added support for importing PKCS#8 and PKCS#12 formatted certificates.
  • Added support for configuring the internal certificate used for HTTPs and OPC UA secure connections.
  • Updated all connection Outputs to support the ability to breakup arrays.
  • Added support to the MQTT Connector for reading raw Binary and String payloads.
  • Updated template settings to support escaping special characters.
  • Updated the CSV Connector to not require the number of headers and lengths to match on reads.
  • Added an option to control the Windows service name of the PI System Agent.
  • Added support to the Modbus Connector for configuring the Unit ID.
  • Added support for Conditions to reference Inputs and Templates that take parameters.
  • Updated the store and forward max write entry size from 256KB to 1MB.
  • Updated the Flow UI Reference panel to allow expanding Instances and pulling in Instance attributes as Flow sources.
  • Added validation and enforcement of template parameter names.
  • Added an Admin Settings option to enable the use of eval() in expressions (disabled by default).
  • Updated SQL Inputs to support a new syntax for indexed queries.
  • Enhanced the UI to allow accessing the details for Input/Output configuration.
  • Enhanced Connection Status to monitor the connection versus the state of the Inputs and Outputs on the Connection.
  • Added a warning for unsupported browsers.
  • Fixed an issue where SQL Connector writes could fail or insert data in incorrect columns when inserting arrays of data with different data shapes.
  • Fixed test Input and Instance reads to not update Connections cached state.
  • Fixed an issue where reading OPC UA nodes with opaque node IDs could cause a memory leak.
  • Fixed an issue where OPC UA Strings with multi-byte UTF-8 characters were not encoded properly.
  • Fixed an issue where OPC UA Numeric Node IDs with IDs larger than max Int32 caused read errors.
  • Fixed an issue with OPC UA GUID and Opaque Node IDs not appearing correctly in the UI.
  • Fixed an issue where the OPC UA Namespace Index could not be parameterized.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect or missing error messages when using invalid template parameter ranges.
  • Fixed an issue with templated inputs failing when template names contain invalid characters.
  • Fixed an issue where Instances would fail to convert values of type File to type String.
  • Fixed an issue with the reference panel when expanding disabled Aggregate Conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where Conditions failed to synchronize between hubs.
  • Fixed an issue where project synchronization between hubs did not include Connection passwords.
  • Fixed an issue where Azure IoT Hub, Event Hubs, and Blob Storage connection strings were not encrypted.
  • Improved the execution speed of Custom Conditions.
  • Changed the Aggregate Condition results to return the latest value for non-numeric fields.
  • Fixed a bug in the initial release of version 2.5 that caused 501 errors (not implemented) in the browser when remotely configuring a hub in Central Configuration mode and clicking the Network tab.
Breaking Changes:
  • Custom Condition expressions now require all root JavaScript variables to be declared with var and not let or const. Variables defined with let or const will produce “already defined” errors when reading the condition. Custom Condition expressions are now built once and executed on each read, providing a significant performance increase. Variables declared with let or const at global scope can only be assigned once.

Patches (Build 2022.10.17.311):
  • Fixed an issue where the Azure IoT Edge Connector would disconnect and not reconnect unless the connection was saved again.
  • Fixed an issue where the Azure IoT Edge Connector would not work when the host machine running Azure IoT Edge was Linux/Unix.
  • Fixed an issue where Sparkplug Connector did not output bad quality data when the source quality went bad.
  • Fixed an issue where outputting String Arrays with the Sparkplug Connector resulted in repeated re-births.
  • Fixed various issues when reading from a SQL table and sending to Parquet output where data types could be lost if the SQL table contained NULL values.
  • Added File data type support to Store and Forward.
  • Enhanced the REST Client Connector to output the response body to the log on errors to make troubleshooting easier.
  • Enhanced the REST Client Connector to better find and extract file payloads when the input is in Binary mode.
  • Fixed an issue where attributes starting with an underscore failed to write to PI points.