Jun 22 | On-Demand
Product variability, supply chain complexity, and price volatility are just some of the pressures on modern industrial companies. To address these pressures, companies are increasingly connecting business systems to production equipment to improve production execution, increase business visibility, and optimize decisions. However, connecting business systems to the Edge to accelerate decisions and improve agility has its challenges. It requires companies to modernize their data architectures and technologies for real-time execution and analytics.
In this 1-hour webinar, Kepware Partner Enablement Engineer Kyle Carreau, HighByte Chief Business Office John Harrington, Ectobox CEO and Lead Strategist Kevin Jones, and Ectobox Senior Architect and Software Consultant Tim Burris discuss the importance of data modeling and contextualization and best practices for system integration. Additionally, Kevin and Tim present a production-to-supply chain use case for one of their industrial clients that is modernizing their system architecture with Kepware's KEPServerEX and HighByte Intelligence Hub.