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Release Notes Archive

HighByte Intelligence Hub Version 2.5

New Features: 
  • Added support for configuring the application settings through the UI.
  • Added support for Flow monitoring statistics and metrics.
  • Added support to the Azure IoT Hub Connector for writing to Azure IoT Central.
  • Added support for importing Azure DTDL models.
  • Added a new Azure IoT Edge Connector.
  • Added support for authenticating users via Active Directory.
  • Added the ability to load third party JavaScript and node packages to be used in expressions.
  • Added a new Alarm Condition for generating alarms when data is bad quality or stale.
  • Added the ability to filter out attributes sent to any Output.
  • Added the ability to access metadata like Quality and Timestamp in expressions.
  • Added support for System Variables that can be supplied via a configuration file.
  • Added the ability to view and manage cached data for all Connections and Conditions.
  • Updated all Conditions to enable referencing Instances in addition to Inputs.
  • Added the ability to write to the event log as a Flow target.
  • Updated the Sparkplug Connector to support aliasing for inputs.
  • Added support to the REST Connector for outputting multipart/form-data.
  • Updated the File Connector to support SMB access to shared network directories.
  • Added an option to the PI System Connector to include metadata for PI Asset inputs.
  • Added an option to the PI System Connector to enable data compression on writes.
  • Added support for importing PKCS#8 and PKCS#12 formatted certificates.
  • Added support for configuring the internal certificate used for HTTPs and OPC UA secure connections.
  • Updated all connection Outputs to support the ability to breakup arrays.
  • Added support to the MQTT Connector for reading raw Binary and String payloads.
  • Updated template settings to support escaping special characters.
  • Updated the CSV Connector to not require the number of headers and lengths to match on reads.
  • Added an option to control the Windows service name of the PI System Agent.
  • Added support to the Modbus Connector for configuring the Unit ID.
  • Added support for Conditions to reference Inputs and Templates that take parameters.
  • Updated the store and forward max write entry size from 256KB to 1MB.
  • Updated the Flow UI Reference panel to allow expanding Instances and pulling in Instance attributes as Flow sources.
  • Added validation and enforcement of template parameter names.
  • Added an Admin Settings option to enable the use of eval() in expressions (disabled by default).
  • Updated SQL Inputs to support a new syntax for indexed queries.
  • Enhanced the UI to allow accessing the details for Input/Output configuration.
  • Enhanced Connection Status to monitor the connection versus the state of the Inputs and Outputs on the Connection.
  • Added a warning for unsupported browsers.
  • Fixed an issue where SQL Connector writes could fail or insert data in incorrect columns when inserting arrays of data with different data shapes.
  • Fixed test Input and Instance reads to not update Connections cached state.
  • Fixed an issue where reading OPC UA nodes with opaque node IDs could cause a memory leak.
  • Fixed an issue where OPC UA Strings with multi-byte UTF-8 characters were not encoded properly.
  • Fixed an issue where OPC UA Numeric Node IDs with IDs larger than max Int32 caused read errors.
  • Fixed an issue with OPC UA GUID and Opaque Node IDs not appearing correctly in the UI.
  • Fixed an issue where the OPC UA Namespace Index could not be parameterized.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect or missing error messages when using invalid template parameter ranges.
  • Fixed an issue with templated inputs failing when template names contain invalid characters.
  • Fixed an issue where Instances would fail to convert values of type File to type String.
  • Fixed an issue with the reference panel when expanding disabled Aggregate Conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where Conditions failed to synchronize between hubs.
  • Fixed an issue where project synchronization between hubs did not include Connection passwords.
  • Fixed an issue where Azure IoT Hub, Event Hubs, and Blob Storage connection strings were not encrypted.
  • Improved the execution speed of Custom Conditions.
  • Changed the Aggregate Condition results to return the latest value for non-numeric fields.
  • Fixed a bug in the initial release of version 2.5 that caused 501 errors (not implemented) in the browser when remotely configuring a hub in Central Configuration mode and clicking the Network tab.
Breaking Changes:
  • Custom Condition expressions now require all root JavaScript variables to be declared with var and not let or const. Variables defined with let or const will produce “already defined” errors when reading the condition. Custom Condition expressions are now built once and executed on each read, providing a significant performance increase. Variables declared with let or const at global scope can only be assigned once.

Patches (Build 2022.10.17.311):
  • Fixed an issue where the Azure IoT Edge Connector would disconnect and not reconnect unless the connection was saved again.
  • Fixed an issue where the Azure IoT Edge Connector would not work when the host machine running Azure IoT Edge was Linux/Unix.
  • Fixed an issue where Sparkplug Connector did not output bad quality data when the source quality went bad.
  • Fixed an issue where outputting String Arrays with the Sparkplug Connector resulted in repeated re-births.
  • Fixed various issues when reading from a SQL table and sending to Parquet output where data types could be lost if the SQL table contained NULL values.
  • Added File data type support to Store and Forward.
  • Enhanced the REST Client Connector to output the response body to the log on errors to make troubleshooting easier.
  • Enhanced the REST Client Connector to better find and extract file payloads when the input is in Binary mode.
  • Fixed an issue where attributes starting with an underscore failed to write to PI points.

HighByte Intelligence Hub Version 2.4

New Features: 
  • Added support for templating Instances and Inputs. 
  • Added support for passing parameters to Instances and Inputs. 
  • Added support for event-based Flows. 
  • Added a new Amazon Redshift Connector. 
  • Added a new Amazon S3 Connector. 
  • Added a new Azure Blob Storage Connector. 
  • Added a new Modbus Connector. 
  • Added output support to the Parquet Connector. 
  • Added support for installing the Intelligence Hub as a service on Windows. 
  • Enhanced the OPC UA Connector to allow for reading a collection of tags as a single Input. 
  • Added support for Custom Conditions to handle custom processing of input data. 
  • Added the ability to define reusable JavaScript functions. 
  • Added support to the PI System Connector for reading historical data for assets. 
  • Enhanced the Sparkplug connector to allow for setting the Group ID and Edge of Node ID at the Input and Output level. 
  • Enhanced the expression engine to perform automatic type conversion and no longer require the use of and Java.from (deprecated). 
  • Added the ability to perform test reads on Conditions. 
  • Enhanced the InfluxDB connector to support overriding the metric name and timestamp. 
  • Enhanced upserts and updates for the SQL Connector output to support custom WHERE clauses. 
  • Added an option to the MQTT and Sparkplug connectors to ignore certificate validation. 
  • Added Bearer token authentication to the REST Client Connector. 
  • Enhanced the REST Client connector Outputs to allow overriding the Content-Type. 
  • Enhanced the REST Client Connector authentication to support sending credentials in the HTTP body. 
  • Enhanced Flow status to include the flow enabled state. 
  • Added the ability to configure the OPC UA connector max read and write sizes. 
  • Added the ability to disable Aggregate Conditions. 
  • Added the usage tab to Conditions. 
  • Added the Model name in the Instance detail view. 
  • Added the ability to manually edit Flow sources and targets. 
  • Fixed an issue where changing an input's cache settings required manually restarting the flow for the change to take effect. 
  • Fixed an issue where SQL Connector stored procedure outputs were mapping parameters by order instead of by name. 
  • Fixed an issue where Datetime attributes were not properly converted from string and integer values. 
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect object dependencies were shown when connections had Inputs and Outputs with the same name. 
  • Fixed an issue with the REST Client Connector where URLs were not properly encoded. 
  • Removed the configuration settings.json file from the Docker image. 
  • Fixed an issue with the OPC UA Connector not being able to read nodes with opaque identifiers.  
  • Fixed an issue where File Connectors failed to move processed files when using relative paths. 
  • Fixed an issue where CSV/Parquet files got moved to the error directory if any rows were invalid. 

HighByte Intelligence Hub Version 2.3

New Features:
  • Added support for Conditions, including Deadband and Aggregates.
  • Added a new File Connector for ingesting and writing files.
  • Added Input support to Azure IoT Hub and Azure Event Hubs Connectors.
  • Added support for reading Instances through the UI.
  • Enhanced Instance expression fields to allow for larger writing area.
  • Updated referencing syntax to include object type information.
  • Enhanced the UI to add real-time feedback for Connection and Flow status.
  • Added System level Inputs for Connection and Flow status.
  • Added the ability to delete referenced objects.
  • Updated OPC browse to support importing all tags under a branch.
  • Updated Sparkplug Outputs to support overriding the timestamp.
  • Added support for referencing Input attributes as a Flow source.
  • Enhanced Flow grouping to include status and the ability to mass enable/disable Flows.
  • Added the template Output option to MQTT, Azure IoT Hub, and Azure Event Hubs.
  • Added annotations to the PI System Event frame reads.
  • Added the ability to batch write arrays to a PI System Output.
  • Added username and password fields to the JDBC Driver.
  • Added support for file Connectors to access subdirectories as Inputs and Outputs.
  • Enhanced the event log search to include optional time bounds.
  • Updated the text-based log file to be in JSON format.
  • Updated SAML configuration to be in its own file in the app data directory.
  • Added 2D array support to all JSON based Connection Inputs.
  • Updated OPC UA Inputs to optionally include the tag name in the metadata.
  • Removed the need for the settings.json file on the front-end.
  • Added the ability to view public certificates through the UI.
  • Added information events for when a Connection returns to good state.
  • Updated the Client ID setting for Sparkplug and MQTT to be random when not set.
  • Updated the browser tab to show the current hub and page name.
  • Added support for Flow trigger expressions to contain references that contain dependency references.
  • ​Fixed an issue with renames that could occur if an Input and Output on the same Connection had the same name.
  • Removed the configuration/config/settings.json from the docker image.
  • Fixed an issue with file based Connectors failing to move indexed files when using relative paths.
  • Fixed an issue where the Flow Mode “Only Changes Compressed” was not filtering complex input values correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where Model attribute renames could remove expressions from Instances.
  • Fixed an issue with Model sync operations where the remote Instance expressions were removed.
  • Fixed an OPC UA browser interoperability issue for nodes with a GUID identifier.
  • Fixed an issue where the first UI test read of an OPC UA Input with complex mode on returned bad quality.
  • Removed the “No Data” errors from MQTT, CSV, and other Connectors that returned empty data sets.
  • Fixed an issue where PI System Inputs would not reflect Asset and Event changes.
  • Fixed an issue where tabs and other special characters could not be used as delimiters for CSV files.
  • Fixed an issue where Google Pub/Sub reads and writes could take minutes.
  • Fixed various issues where the Sparkplug Connector could read or write empty values.
  • Fixed an issue where event log messages were delayed in showing up in the UI.
  • Fixed invalid syntax when using drag and drop for non-MSSQL SQL Connectors to build queries.
  • Fixed various issues where default Instance values did not honor the attribute data type or prevented Flows from running.
  • Fixed an issue with securely connecting to the Ignition OPC UA server.
  • Fixed an issue creating tables for Oracle Outputs when the data contained double and float types.
  • Fixed an issue where the REST template Output setting could reorder the Output data.
  • Fixed an issue where InfluxDB Output failed when an Instance had an empty value.
  • Fixed an issue where PI writes could fail if the Output data contained only a single child Instance.
  • Fixed an issue where event log entries were sometimes out of order.
  • Fixed an issue where the Named Root option was on by default for MQTT Outputs.
  • Fixed a UI issue with the page selector drop-down when there were more than four pages.
  • Fixed an issue where removing the last object in a group could return the user to an empty group.
  • Fixed an issue where users could not navigate to a group with no entities.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting an Instance attribute expression would lead to Flow failure.

HighByte Intelligence Hub Version 2.2

New Features:
  • Added a new OSIsoft PI AF SDK Connector. Connector uses AF SDK and supports inputs and outputs.
  • Added a new InfluxDB Connector. Supports inputs and outputs.
  • Added a new Oracle Database Connector. Supports inputs and outputs.
  • Added SAML support for authenticating users with third party Identity Providers (IdPs).
  • Added support for CSV output.
  • Added support to OPC UA Connector for subscriptions.
  • Added support for mass importing OPC UA tags through the UI.
  • Added support for displaying the status of a flow in the UI.
  • Added support for grouping flows.
  • Added support for renaming referenced objects.
  • Added support to MQTT connector Inputs to include the MQTT topic in the payload.
  • Added support to MQTT and Sparkplug Connector Outputs to breakup arrays into individual publishes.
  • Added support to Sparkplug Connector Outputs for dynamic device ID and metric names.
  • Added support to Sparkplug Connector for TSL/SSL with certificate authentication.
  • Added support for expanding arrays using a single instance with the new Instance Mode setting.
  • Added pagination support to the log view in the UI.
  • Added dynamic input support for the REST Client Input header field.
  • Extended REST Client OAuth support to include Resource and Audience headers.
  • Added the flow description to the flow summary view.
  • Added highlighting when comparing objects on the Network tab.
  • Improved the performance of bulk deletion and copying of inputs and outputs.
  • Fixed a bug in the SQL Connection Inputs where Boolean values were not shown in read results.
  • Fixed a bug where UTF-8 characters were not sent correctly with MQTT, REST, and Kinesis Connector Outputs.
  • Fixed an issue where the Input usage tab was not properly showing all instances where an input was used.
  • Fixed an issue where the Reference browser was showing an error when switching connections.
  • Fixed issue where Input read errors were not being fully displayed in the error toast card.
  • Fixed an issue where nested instances were not displayed as hotlinks in the UI.
  • Updated the default event log string to use the pipe delimiter to make it easier to parse.
  • Updated event logs to not display entire expression when an error is encountered.
  • Fixed an issue where “0” could not be entered in the for the Skip Lines setting in CSV Inputs.
  • Changed the default DateTime JSON to output in ISO8601 format.
  • Fix a bug with connecting to MSSQL named instances using the SQL Browse Service.
  • Fixed a bug where users with no roles or claims could be created.
  • Fixed an issue where instances that use unsigned integers which contain default values prevent flows from starting.
  • Fixed an issue with connecting to Beckhoff OPC UA Server.
  • Removed direct dependency on Log4j.

HighByte Intelligence Hub Version 2.1

New Features:
  • Added support for application-level redundancy.
  • Added support for Webhook Connector. Supports JSON / XML.
  • Added support for Google Cloud Pub/Sub Connector. Supports outbound only.
  • Added support for Apache Parquet Connector. Supports inbound only.
  • Added support for reading dynamic inputs (inputs that are dependent on other inputs) within the Input definition page.
  • Added support for synchronizing certificates between hubs.
  • Added syntax highlighting for writing expressions.
  • Added support for validating configuration and setting files on runtime start.
  • Added REST API methods for bulk creating inputs/outputs.
  • Updated configuration front-end to Bootstrap v5.0.
  • Updated Connector definition page to show count of inputs/outputs.
  • Updated Flow summary page to contain more textual details.
  • Updated audit log messages
    • Only include what has changed for an updated configuration element.
    • Include object details when new objects are created.
  • Updated Azure IoT Hub Connector to set the content and encoding type of messages to JSON / UTF-8.
  • Updated MQTT Connector
    • Supports dynamic topics based on the value being written.
    • Supports redundant brokers.
  • Updated OPC UA TCP Connector
    • Supports returning an input value as a complex data object consisting of a Value, Quality and Timestamp.
    • Improved performance of importing OPC UA tags.
  • Updated MQTT Sparkplug Connector to support redundant brokers.
  • Updated SQL Connector
    • Supports output updates and upserts.
    • Supports reading JSON based values.
    • Added filter to SQL table explorer.
    • Error message for PostgreSQL when table names with capital letters aren’t wrapped in quotes.
    • Supports PostgreSQL JSON, JSONB, and geo spatial types.
  • Updated REST Client Connector
    • Supports OAuth, PUT command and the ability to ignore server-side certificates.
    • Added support for XML payloads.
  • Updated connection sync to make use of bulk Input/Output API.
  • Fixed issue with switching between Host and Remote hubs.
  • Fixed issue with syncing between Remote Hub and Host.
  • Fixed issue with renaming a model's attribute being reflected in any instances based on the model.
  • Fixed REST API issues
    • Prevent user creation of attribute IDs.
    • Fixed inconsistencies with permissions, error and exception status codes, and response fields.
  • Fixed issue where outputs would be invalidated if a flow was set to publish only changes and no changes occurred.
  • Fixed issue with the external logger periodically blocking execution of runtime services.
  • Fixed issue with assigning a unique hub name on the first connection from one hub to another.
  • Fixed issue with prematurely timing out on reading an input via the configuration tool for Connectors that need to subscribe to the data.
  • Fixed issue with using excessive memory when reading values faster than can be written to a connection.
  • Fixed CSV Connector issues
    • The hub would continuously process the same file if indexing was enabled and there was no process or error directory.
    • The hub would not process a file in the event the max rows per read was a multiple of the number of rows in the file.
  • Fixed OPC UA Connector issues
    • No longer expires a secure channel prematurely.
    • No longer raises an exception / error message when closing a session that has already been released by the server.
  • Fixed REST Client Connector issue with failing a response with an empty body message.
  • Fixed issue with MQTT and MQTT Sparkplug Connectors not observing the user-defined request timeout.
  • Fixed issue with multi-thread access and overloaded MQTT outputs.
  • Fixed issues with instances
    • Nested instances were not being referenced using the @ symbol.
    • Only inputs could be selected from reference panel and not other instances.
  • Fixed visual issues with large lists of certificates.
  • Fixed issue so that roles with no claims cannot be created.

HighByte Intelligence Hub Version 2.0

New Features:
  • Added support to centrally manage all hubs through a single “central” hub. This includes support for Network Groups and Hubs to manage remote connections, as well as project comparison and synchronization.
  • Added support for Users and Roles. This allows access control on what a user(s) can view and/or modify.
  • Added support for logging user-level audit messages based on configuration access / updates.
  • Added support for viewing event log information within the user interface.
  • Added support for automatically backing up configuration files prior to saving new changes. The user can specify how often to save and how many backups to keep. Once the limit is reached, the oldest backup files are deleted first.
  • Added support for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams connector. Supports outbound only.
  • Added support for Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose connector. Supports outbound only.
  • Added support for managing certificates within the user interface.
  • Updated event log messages to include the source (e.g., Runtime, Azure IoT Hub Connector, and OPC UA Connector).
  • Updated MQTT connector to support the retained flag to MQTT outputs. This signals whether or not the MQTT broker should cache the last value sent.
  • Updated REST connector to allow inputs to reference any connections' inputs.
  • Updated SQL connector to allow inputs to reference inputs with complex data types.
  • Fixed JSON based configuration obfuscation error with a Connection's Store/Forward and Write settings.
  • Fixed CSV connector issues:
    • Where the first row was read twice.
    • With test reads (reads initiated through the configuration tool were modifying an internal file cache).
  • Fixed OPC UA connector issue when using username / password level security with OPC UA servers that return ‘Username’ instead of ‘Username_Basic256’ as the policy string.

HighByte Intelligence Hub Version 1.4.1

New Features: 
  • Updated CSV File connector ​(inbound only) to support: 
      • Processing files in a directory and any sub-directories 
      • User-specified delimiter (defaults to comma separated) 
  • Added support for caching input values for a user-specified lifetime interval. 
  • Added support for referencing instance attributes in a modeled instance’s expression. 
  • Added support for referencing two-dimensional arrays of primitive values within an expression.
  • Updated MQTT connector to support user specified location to place the instance name in output values. 
  • Updated SQL connector to support: 
    • Queries can reference one or more input values from any connection 
    • Ability to persist an index value to be used in successive queries 
    • Writing to a non-default schema for tables and stored procedures 
    • Reading timestamp columns to be used as an index 
  • Fixed issue with a flow no longer executing if it contains at least one source input that has dependency inputs that cannot be read.
  • Fixed Store and Forward resource leak. 
  • Fixed issue with detecting recursive models.
  • Fixed CSV connector resource leak related to processed files.
  • Fixed CSV connector issue where failing to read data from a file and did not move it to the error directory. 
  • Fixed OPC UA connector issue where the server’s session timeout was not properly observed. 
  • Fixed OPC UA connector issue with making concurrent Sign and Encrypt connections to the same server. 
  • Fixed OPC UA connector issue where it was possible to issue a read / write request with no items. 
  • Fixed REST connector issue where the flatten model setting was not observed when using a customized output template. 
  • Fixed Sparkplug connector issue in regard to how DateTime values were published. 
  • Fixed SQL connector issue where logging a NULL value to a float/real type failed. ​​ 
  • Fixed issue with flows not observing the trigger interval when its expression results in a bad quality value.

HighByte Intelligence Hub Version 1.4

New Features:
  • Added support for CSV File connector ​(inbound only). 
  • Added support for one- and two-dimensional array data values of primitive or modeled data.
  • Added support for multiple inputs, instances and/or outputs for a single flow.
  • Added support for adding, removing and listing certificates / keys (via managecerts command file).
  • Updated flow trigger expressions to support deadband calculations.
  • Updated JavaScript engine (Graal) for compatibility with Java 15.
  • Updated Azure Event Hubs connector to support user configurable timeout settings.
  • Updated MQTT connector to support:
    • Error messages to include more detailed information
    • Reads (inbound subscriptions)
    • Reading of array values
    • User specified QoS indicator per output
    • User specified certificates
    • Wildcard (#) character for an output's topic
  • Updated MQTT connector and runtime to allow for the use of user specified certificates.
  • Updated MQTT Sparkplug connector to support:
    • Arrays
    • Publishing bad quality metrics when input data is not available
    • Wildcard (#) character for both device ID and metrics for inputs and outputs
  • Updated OPC UA connector to support:​
    • Sign and encrypt (Basic256Sha256)
    • Username / Password (Basic256)
    • Writing of modeled data. The OPC UA server must support an address space hierarchy that matches the model definition.
  • Updated REST connector to support:
    • Formatting published values via templates
    • Reading of array values
  • Updated SQL connector to support:
    • Automatic creation of tables 
    • Generic JDBC with user deployed drivers
    • Multi-row reads
    • Stored procedures for outputs
    • Writing _name and _timestamp metadata
    • Writing complex data as a JSON blob
  • Generalized read / write error messages across all connectors.
  • Fixed MQTT connector Greengrass self-signed certificate validation issue. 
  • Fixed OPC UA anonymous policy ID interoperability issue with servers that do not use the “anonymous” string identifier. ​​
  • Fixed issue with not automatically starting a flow upon fixing any configuration errors. ​
  • Fixed issue with not automatically propagating model changes to enabled flows. 
  • Fixed time drift issue around the execution of flows. This was more apparent on a system with high resource utilization. 
  • Fixed issue where a UI driven read that fails did not generate appropriate log messages to troubleshoot the issue.
  • Fixed issue with referencing complex data value element names containing space characters in an expression.
  • Fixed OPC UA connector interoperability issues: (a) specifying the correct close secure channel message indicator in a packet, (b) support for message chunking, (c) fixed message buffer size negotiation conflicts, (d) support for expanded node IDs in a browse request, (e) proper inclusion of a KeyUsages field in self signed application instance certificates.
  • Fixed issue with incorrectly flagging a modeled instance's expression invalid before attempting to pull in the correct real time data to satisfy the expression.
  • Fixed Azure IoT SiteWise connector to ignore null/empty attributes in modeled values.
  • Fixed MQTT connector to return the appropriate result code on connection failures.

User Interface Only Updates:
  • Allowed viewing the schema of an input in the reference browser.
  • Allowed on-demand reads of any input.
  • Moved the default location of frontend configuration.json file to /config/settings.json.
  • Added warning for users if there is a version mismatch at login page.
  • Changed retrieval of the settings.json file to explicitly use no cache.
  • Fixed issue in which changing the Group As field for a model or instance may not correctly update.
  • Redesigned working with flow sources and Targets.
  • Redesigned reference browser to be context sensitive and support multiple object types.

HighByte Intelligence Hub Version 1.3

New Features: 
  • Added AWS IoT SiteWise (outbound) connector.
  • Added Azure Event Hubs (outbound) connector.
  • Added ​Azure IoT Hub (outbound) connector.
  • Added HTTP ​REST Client (inbound / outbound) connector.
  • Added PostgreSQL (inbound / outbound) connector.
    • Includes the ability to execute a query for validation and a preview of what will be available as input data
    • ​Includes an Object Explorer for validating connectivity settings and discovering tables and views available for queries
  • ​Added MySQL (inbound / outbound) connector.
  • ​Added Microsoft SQL Server (inbound / outbound) connector.
  • Added support for user configurable application data directory.
  • Added OPC UA support for Opaque Node IDs (required to connect to some OPC UA servers).
  • Added support for store and forward.
  • Added model attribute support for type Any.
  • Added new reference browser to make finding and selecting inputs much easier.
  • Added usage support for inputs, outputs and instances to make it easier to track how configuration elements are referenced.
  • Added support for reordering model attributes.
  • Enhanced Sparkplug connector. Updates include:
    • Support for reading multiple metrics on a single input
    • Support for command requests to / from other nodes to rebirth
    • Support for device birth messages
    • ​Support for templates (inbound)
  • Improved front-end load / update form performance.
  • Improved front-end user feedback / error messaging.
  • Fixed issue where a model's attribute type and required settings were not respected.

HighByte Intelligence Hub Version 1.2

New Features:
  • Added support for OpenJDK.
  • Added support for Sparkplug. Supports reading simple metrics and writing simple or modeled values to a metric(s). Ensures EoN is birthed before attached devices. When appropriate, automatically block metrics in a single publish.
  • Added new connection setting for controlling if modeled values should be flattened before written to an output.
  • Added support for grouping models and instances.
  • Added HTTPS support for REST-based configuration services.
  • Added OnlyChangesCompressed publish mode support for flows. In this mode, only changed attributes of a modeled value are published.
  • Added support for Azure connector (runtime only).
  • Fixed OPC UA browse failure for server results that exceeded 16KB of data.
  • Fixed failure to load resource strings on systems with a non-English default locale.
  • Fixed resource leak that could occur when reconnecting to an OPC UA server.
  • Fixed OPC UA endpoint validation issue when using an IP address versus a hostname.
  • Fixed issue where model names could conflict with built-in types (e.g., Boolean, Int32, Real64, String).
  • Updated the format of a modeled instance's value to allow multiple values to be published to the same MQTT topic (rather than require a separate MQTT output for each value).
  • Updated event log dates to use a 2-digit numeric for month (instead of its 3-alpha character equivalent) for consistency across systems independent of locale.
  • Updated REST API to return an appropriate error response string when the deletion of a connection, input, output, model, instance, or flow fails.
  • Updated product information to include version / build information for both configuration and runtime components.
  • Enhanced configuration support for cloning nested models.
  • Enhanced configuration search filtering to include additional fields and inputs and outputs.
  • Enhanced OPC UA browse viewer to support adding an entire branch for import.
  • Enhanced configuration error messaging.  

HighByte Intelligence Hub Version 1.1

New Features:
  • Improved user interface / experience configuring the Intelligence Hub:
    • Shallow cloning of connections, models,  instances and flows
    • List pagination for large datasets (a connection's input and output lists
    • Search filtering
  • Flows now support 4 triggers: Always (1.0.0 behavior), OnChange, OnTrue and WhileTrue.
  • Flows now support 2 publish modes: All (1.0.0 behavior) and OnlyChanges.
  • Added description field for connections, models, instances and flows.
  • Added support for nested models / instances.
  • Added OPC UA support for data values of type DateTime. An appropriate error message is now logged when encountering an OPC UA data value type that is not currently supported.
  • Improved user interface error handling / messaging in the event a connection to the runtime service fails.
  • Fixed task scheduling performance issues related to reading inputs, constructing a model, running expressions and publishing the results as compared to the configured interval.
  • Fixed issue where a modeled instance's published value did not maintain the attribute order set by the user (attributes were incorrectly sorted alphabetically).
  • Fixed OPC UA connection validation issue when an endpoint uri contained uppercase characters in its hostname.
  • Fixed user interface performance / scalability issues around large datasets (OPC UA browse results and a connection's input and output lists).
  • Updated Paho Client MQTT library to 1.2.4. This update resolved an issue related to re-establishing a connection with a broker when one or more persistence (QoS) files were left over from a previous run. 

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Curious to learn more and see a live demo of HighByte Intelligence Hub? In this demo, we will show you how to deploy HighByte Intelligence Hub at the Edge to access, model, transform, and securely flow industrial data to and from your IT applications without writing or maintaining code.